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Sports Council NI Home Page >> Press Releases >> Junior Clubmark Scheme


Tuesday 25th of February was a special night for 21 clubs when they were awarded with the Junior Clubmark Awards.

The Junior Clubmark Scheme was launched in February 1999, by the Sports Council for Northern Ireland, with the aim of providing a quality assurance scheme for sports clubs, who are providing opportunities for young people to participate in sport.

The Scheme challenges sports clubs to meet a number of criteria relating to the following areas:

-frequency and duration of coaching sessions;
-the profile of coaches;
-the care and development of young people.

Central to the Clubmark Award Scheme is child protection and the need for all clubs, regardless of their size to protect both the young people in their care and volunteers, who are giving time to the club.  The Scheme is also concerned about ensuring quality sporting opportunities for all young people regardless of their ability. 

There are two Award levels within the Junior Clubmark Scheme � Clubmark and Goldclub. Currently there are 56 clubs who have been accredited with either the Junior Clubmark or the Junior Goldclub award.



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