Lankan link hailed as key step for learning
Loreto Convent Grammar School has formed a unique partnership with a
school in Sri Lanka. The
link, believed to be the first of its kind, is aimed at enhancing
sporting leadership skills school links.
Lankan British Council representatives, along with those from the
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Education and Cultural affairs
and the teaching profession, have visited the Omagh school, which is
linked to Berrevaerts College, Sri Lanka.
Partnership was established by the Western Education and Library Board
and is co-ordinated through the Youth Sports Trust and the British
Council. Joseph Martin,
WELB Chief Executive, said: �The schools in both countries have taken
an important step forward in promoting learning in an international
setting. It is wonderful to
see two schools working in tandem for the benefit of the young people in
our care.�
from both schools have established cross-curricular links on four
identified themes. They
also have to accept the responsibility for setting up sporting
programmes, hoping eventually to achieve their Gold Dream Team Award.
McCann, Youth Sport co-ordinator Loreto, said the partnership had been
so successful that a second WELB school, Erne Integrated College, in
Enniskillen, has been invited to take part in the programme.
at a visit to the Sports Council for Northern Ireland by Sri Lankan
representatives are John News, Community Sport Manager, SCNI, Christine
McCann, Loreto Grammar School, Omagh, Brian McCormick, WELB, Ryan
Cunningham, University of Ulster and Eamon McCartan, Chief
Executive, Sports Council for Northern Ireland.