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Last Updated: Monday, 11 February 2020  

Practitioner Development Programme




The closing date for applications to the Sport NI’s new Practitioner Development Programme is Friday 15 February 2020. 


Applicants should submit the application, together with the required career pathway, to Sport NI on or before 4.30pm on Friday 15 February 2020.


Applications are welcomed from coaches, scientists and medical practitioners.

To be eligible for consideration for the programme, practitioners must meet the following criteria:

Must have experience in performance sport as a service provider working with an athlete or group of athletes and in the case of coaches must be working with such athletes at international level or equivalent.

Applicants should have a high level qualification relating to their sports discipline.  In exceptional circumstances and in the absence of such a qualification, significant demonstrable experience will be considered against this criterion.

Applicants must be able to demonstrate in writing their potential career pathway for the next 3-5 years.

Up to £10,000 is available to successful applicants to part–fund a placement and/or training and development opportunity in an environment that gives the practitioner access to high performance athletes. Some of the funding may be used to enable practitioners to enrol on a higher education course provided it is in a relevant subject area or to contribute to a research project relating to high performance sport.

Those successful in gaining a place on the programme will be required to attend a series of high performance workshops throughout the year on topics such as Striving for Excellence, Teamwork and Collaboration, and Creative Thinking.

Ric Charlesworth was in Belfast speaking to high performance coaches from the sports of Rugby, Hockey, Athletics, Gaelic Football, Sailing, Squash, Table Tennis, Fencing, and Badminton on the subject of `Management under Pressure.` Ric represented Australia in four Olympic Games and many other international tournaments. He coached the Australian Women’s Hockey Team from April 1993 to 2000 during which time the Hockeyroos had an unprecedented amount of success. Ric played state cricket for Western Australia and was High Performance Manager with New Zealand cricket from 2005-07.

Application forms for practitioners wishing to apply for this funding can be obtained by clicking here or from [email protected] or by contacting Sport Northern Ireland on 02890 381222

Information and Guidance available by Clicking here

Launch of Practitioner Development Programme

On Monday 7 January 2020 a programme to develop practitioners to support talented athletes was launched in Belfast by the world renowned coach Ric Charlesworth. The programme has been designed to develop a workforce of high performance coaches, scientists and medical practitioners with the necessary experience, skills and knowledge to improve athlete performance.

In 2012, the Olympic/Paralympic Games will be held in London.  Northern Ireland must maximise the opportunities presented by the Games in order to grow the support available to its high performance athletes. This programme represents a significant step in developing the type of practitioners required to support these athletes.

Jing Yi (table tennis) Ric Charlesworth, Gary Longwell (Rugby) Richard Honeyford (Sailing)

Completed applications must be submitted to Sport Northern Ireland on or before 15 February 2020. The programme will commence in April 2008.

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Last modified: Tuesday
, 8 January 2020.