Building Sport is the
new capital programme from the Sports Council for Northern
Ireland�s Lottery Fund. This programme aims to provide
partnership funding for major capital projects that will
increase access to opportunities for sporting development and
participation for as many people as possible.
Projects that
demonstrate their potential to contribute to the delivery of
one or more of the following strategic objectives, may be
eligible for substantial partnership funding from this
� Increase
participation in sport
� Be
� Address
the factors of social need
� Tackle
social exclusion
� Promote
equality of opportunity and good
� Promote
sporting excellence
� Address
health inequalities
� Provide
the structures for long term athlete
Your proposal must
demonstrate sports development need and financial need along
with a number of other criteria.
A wide range of groups
and partnerships are eligible to apply to this programme for
funding. These include amongst others: voluntary sports
clubs, community associations, statutory bodies, schools and
charities. Any applicant organisation must have the
appropriate legal, financial and operational status required
by the SCNI (such as appropriate child protection measures and
suitable financial history).
Most capital projects
with a focus on sport will have eligible elements for
funding. This programme is sports development led, not
facility driven, and to that end we will seek evidence of how
your proposal will require lottery funding for developing your
sports facilities. Some types of eligible projects may be:
� Indoor
facilities, such as sports halls and
associated changing
� Outdoor
facilities, such as: playing surfaces/areas
and associated changing
� Specialist
facilities, such as: climbing walls, ski
slopes, gymnastic
pits and slipways
� Fitness
training facilities, where this is the main
sporting activity
� Purchase
of land for immediate development or
purchase of sporting
� Purchase
of major items of sports equipment
For other types of
projects that may be considered, please contact us for more
detailed information.
For the projects that
are successful in gaining funding, up to 85% of eligible
capital costs may be awarded through this programme. For
those applicants whose project is eligible under the �priority
areas initiative� up to 95% of eligible capital costs may be
awarded, and you may also apply for a Multi-Sports Development
Officer post to be co-funded by the SCNI (also up to 95% of
eligible costs). The maximum award available is �600,000 but
it should be noted that projects securing this level of award
are likely to be of major regional or national significance,
or provide multi-sport facilities likely to have a strategic
impact on the factors that contribute to social exclusion and
social need.
It should be noted
that awards are made on a �challenge fund� principle and the
projects that demonstrate the best all round proposal will be
more likely to secure awards.
Developing a major
capital project and seeking an award from the Building Sport
programme takes time and although the potential awards may be
substantial, the SCNI will only make awards to those projects
that demonstrate the best possible sporting impact. You may
wish to seek assistance and further advice before applying.
The SCNI can offer you
access to general workshops on the programme, one-to-one
clinics for your specific proposal and support through the
Sports Development Network and other partner agencies to
assist you.
We also provide
detailed written resources for many aspects of developing your
project on our website or through our offices.
