Sport Northern Ireland Home Page >> News >> Coach of the Year 2008

Last Updated: Wednesday, 12 March 2020  

Does Your Coach Deserve an Award?

Coaches play an invaluable role in sport; helping to lead our athletes to sporting success and all too often not receiving the praise or recognition they so richly deserve.  Commitment, dedication, talent, great achievements; these are all words used to honour and reward athletes and teams, but we know the coaches contribute just as much time, commitment and effort. 


Therefore Sport Northern Ireland wants you to nominate your coach for a Coach of the Year Award in 2008. Sponsored by Podium4Sport, the Coach of the Year Awards will recognise and honour the very best coaches in Northern Ireland who work tirelessly on the sidelines.


Does your coach work above and beyond the call of duty? Does your Coach deserve a pat on the back? Does she deserve a big thank you?  Does he set a great example? Do you know a coach that has achieved great things? Then nominate them today by clicking here to download a nomination form. There are five categories to enter including Youth sport, Youth Athlete Development, Performance Athletes, Disability and Lifetime Contribution. Each of the category winners will then be in contention to win the overall Coach of the Year Award.


Eamonn McCartan, Chief Executive of Sport Northern Ireland, commented: “The Coach of the Year Awards aim to raise not only the profile of coaches, but also to acknowledge and commend the contribution that they make to the success of sportsmen and women. Their dedication and inspiration helps build more active and healthy communities and it is vital that we recognise their achievements.”


Paul Rothwell, Managing Director of Sponsors, Podium4Sport knows the extra behind-the-scenes work of a coach: “Through our outlets in Belfast and Coleraine I constantly see the time and effort put in by coaches to ensure their equipment and training programmes are designed to give their athletes the best chance.” 


Last year’s High Performance Coach & overall ‘Coach of the Year’ winner, Jim Toland, has first hand experience of the Awards. “The Coach of the Year Awards process from nomination, through to shortlisting and the gala ceremony was a fantastic platform for my sport, judo, to gain exposure; and the clubs I work with saw an increase in people wanting to take part. It’s a great honour for all the coaches who are nominated to be recognised and appreciated for something they enjoy doing.”


A judging panel which includes Stephen Watson of BBC Northern Ireland and Steven Beacom of the Belfast Telegraph, will announce three shortlisted coaches in each category and they will all be invited to a gala awards ceremony in June.


Nomination Forms must be returned to Sport Northern Ireland by the 30th April 2008.



For further information please contact Joan Grenville on 07808 138525

Or Ciarrai Conlan at Sport Northern Ireland on 02890 381222




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Last modified: Wednesday
, 12 March 2020.