FDC Award Winners

May 2004


Lowwood Primary School Girls



     Lowwood PS for Girls were nominated by the Crusaders YDO, Gordon Bickerstaff.

Lowwood PS for Girls were the winners of the 8th Annual Cross Community Primary

     School Challenge organised by Crusaders, Northcott Shopping Centre and the Valley Leisure Centre. This was the first time the girls played in the competition.

     They remained unbeaten, with no goals conceded!


             Craig  Lynch � Institute FDC


     Craig was nominated by the Institute YDO, Don Clarke.

     Craig has qualified as a Junior Team  Manager and holds a Teachers Award. Craig is
also working towards the UEFA �B� Licence and is hoping to qualify by the summer.
Craig has a full time job but is committed to the FDC programme at Institute.
He works over 25 hours a week on all 3 strands of the FDC programme, with the majority of these being voluntary.





Jonny Robb � Carrick Rangers FDC


     Jonny was nominated by the Carrick Rangers YDO, Kyle Ferguson.

     Jonny has progressed through the Carrick Rangers Mini  Soccer Programme and now plays for the U10 team. He scored a very impressive 54 goals in his first season for the U10�s.


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