As the
lead agency for the development of sport in Northern Ireland, the Sports
Council is delighted to announce the launch of a new investment programme
for sport. The �Sport in Our Community� investment programme is a
culmination of several months of consultation with the sporting community
and the evaluation of the �Investing in Sport� and �Community Sport�
Sports Council for Northern Ireland recognises its role in providing vision
and strategic leadership for sport. It is committed to targeting support
and delivering tangible outcomes that benefit the sporting community and
wider society. The Sports Council values the important contribution made by
the community, voluntary and statutory sectors to sport in Northern Ireland
and work closely with these sectors to build capacity and sustainability in
Sports Council for Northern Ireland believes that by investing in community
sport, real progress can be made in meeting the Council�s Corporate Plan
outcomes of:
Increased number of physically literate young people;
Increased participation in sport and physical activity
among under
represented groups;
A competent sporting workforce;
Professional, accountable and autonomous sporting organisations;
Increased efficiency through improved planning and administration;
Guidance Notes and
Application Form for the �Sport In
Our Community� programme are available for download from here.
For more
information on the �Sport In Our Community� investment programme, contact
Louise McAtamney on 028 9038 3860. |