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Sports Council NI Home Page >> News >> Merit Awards >> October 2005 winner

Sports Council Merit Awards  - October 2005 Winner

David Toney

David Toney has dedicated 25 years to the development of Ju-Jitsu in Northern Ireland. He is senior coach at his Ballymena Club and works throughout Northern Ireland in his capacity as national coach. He has assisted in the promotion of many instructors who have obtained their 5th Dan within the association.

David believes that learning Martial Arts gives much more than just the physical skills. His own personal growth through learning the discipline of Ju-Jitsu has led him to help others. Over the years David has devoted his time to working with community groups, he believes that martial arts gives people not just physical skills but can also increase confidence, health and well being. David has also provided anti-bullying classes and self-defence classes

As for contributing to sporting issues in Northern Ireland, David has organised an International Congress allowing local students to avail of the talents of worldwide instructors.

Many people may think that Martial Arts is just about kicking and punching, but David and his organisation promote a much wider range of issues.



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Last modified: Saturday November 12, 2020.