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Sports Council NI Home Page >> News >> Merit Awards


Sports Council Merit Awards 

The Sports Council for Northern Ireland in association with the Sunday Life, has launched the Merit Awards scheme as a way for people to nominate club players, teams, coaches or officials who have given of their own time and energy to help develop sport in their local area.

The winners will be profiled in the Sunday Life each month and awarded a prize with their Merit Award Certificate. The Award scheme is open to all ages across Northern Ireland for people involved in any recognised sport and at any level of fun or competition.

If you wish to nominate someone for a Sports Council Merit Award, please complete the nomination form (download by clicking here) in as much detail as possible and send it by post to the following address:-

Jenny Magill
Marketing Department
Sports Council for Northern Ireland
House of Sport
Upper Malone Road

Nominations will be considered and judged by a sports panel from the Sports Council and Sunday Life.

All recipients must be willing to take part in publicity.

The closing date for nominations is Friday 16th December 2005.


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Last modified: Wednesday November 30, 2020.