Women's Hockey Championship Gymnastics Peter Canavan Women's Netball Joey Dunlop Equestrian David Humphreys


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Governing Bodies of Sports for Northern Ireland  

In Northern Ireland there are almost ninety Governing Bodies of Sport recognised by the Sports Council. These bodies organise coaching, competition, refereeing and many other services for their members. Seventy-three Governing Bodies currently receive an annual grant from the Sports Council for Northern Ireland to assist with the development of their sport. These grants vary in size from �1,000 to �50,000 and total approximately �470,000. Each grant is divided into smaller sums designed to help in particular areas of the Governing Body's work. For example, around twenty-five of them employ administrative assistants or Coach/ Development Officers and the Sports Council's grant often contributes to the salaries of these people.

Liaison Officers

Twelve Technical Officers within the Sports Council have liaison duties with specific groups of sports. These Officers often have regular meetings with the Governing Body and provide technical support, advice on Sports Council policies and assistance with planning. They are the first link between the Sports Council and the Governing Body and many have a detailed knowledge of the sports involved.

SportEngland, SportScotland and SportWales are also close partners of the Sports Council for Northern Ireland.

Details on those organisations can be found on their Web site. Check out our useful links channel to find out their Web site address along with other organisations involved in Sport.

e: [email protected]
t:   028 9038 3855
f:   028 9068 2757



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Last modified: Thursday March 04, 2020.